Thursday 23 June 2011

Kamen Rider Fourze

"Gentaro Kisaragi (Fourze) is an Amanokawa Academy second year, section B high school student and basing it on his hairdo, he is a delinquent or better known in Japan as a Yankee. He will fight monsters who were created by a mysterious space energy, thus there are instances that he will fight them in space.

Kamen Rider Fourze, uses “Switches” to gain additional weapons. So far the known weapon is the Rocket, which uses the “Rocket Switch” (the first one from the left). Fourze has a total of 4 weapon slots, which basically are the buttons similar to a PlayStation console, namely: Circle, Square, Cross, and Triangle. Rocket unit uses the Circle slot. Kamen Rider Fourze also have a bike called "Machine Masshigura" and it can travel to space. Masshigura means at full speed.

As usual, the belt is called the Fourze Driver. The third switch from the left should be the main “Henshin Switch”, it is originally black, but the Fourze suit appears on it after transformation. We assumes that the “Switch On, 3, 2, 1, Henshin” text on the scans will be the transformation sound."
First episode rumors:
Episode 1: “Him→Me→Switch→Transform”
Gentaro Kisaragi, a student in Amanogawa Academy High School's 2B, is suddenly attacked by his teacher who was covered in mysterious space energy. He seems to be in an absolute pinch. But out of nowhere, the transfer student Kengo Kasei hands him some switches and a mysterious belt.

Kamen Rider Fourze will premier on September 4th
Source:  KamenRiderUNDERGROUND and DecaEnd of HJU

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